Formation Cleaner
AUSFRACMUL 60-M is a mixture of surfactants and a mutual solvent in a solvent base that cleans and water wets the formation for a more efficient unloading and breakdown of wells. AUSFRACMUL 60-M lowers the surface tension of water and breaks agglomerations of clays in the formation, removing blockages and lowering the breakdown pressure of the well, as well as greatly increasing production, particularly in wells producing wet gas and oil.
Application & Usage
AUSFRACMUL 60-M can be used as a breakdown fluid, with a recommended dosage level of 15 gal. of AUSFRACMUL 60-M per 1000 gal. of breakdown fluid, applied prior to treating the well. AUSFRACMUL 60-M can also be added to the fracturing fluid, with a recommended dosage level of 1 – 2 gal. of AUSFRACMUL 60-M per 1000 gal. of base fluid. Testing is strongly recommended to determine the optimum load rates for each particular use.
- Colour: Clear liquid
- pH (1% Solution): 6.0 – 8.0
- Specific Gravity: 0.93 – 0.99
- Surface Tension (2 GPT in Water) (dyn/cm): 29 – 30
- Pour Point: < -25°F
Note: All testing should be conducted once the product has been approved for use.
Available in 200lt or 1000lt poly totes and bulk storage.
Please read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using this product.
Disclaimer: This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, as to accuracy and/or completeness. This information is obtained from various sources including manufacturers and other third-party sources and may not be valid under certain conditions or if this material is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Any final determination of suitability of this material is the sole responsibility of the user.